
Welcome to Punderings!

I’m Ana, a Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University, and a graduate of Stanford University. I was born in Los Angeles Chinatown, and I call California home. Everything I love has to do with creation: the construction of identities, the malleability of histories, the imagination of futures. Some people call me an artist scholar, but you can call me whatever you want. ;)

unprofessional network: @writerina

professional network: linkedin

short note about the blog:

I’ve always struggled with categorizing my content on Punderings, particularly my thoughts on identities and relationships and traumas that defy linear narratives. So much of what fascinates me most—what is most urgent to me—necessitates rewriting and rethinking, and none of my writing is ever absolute. There is a lot of value in crystallizing my thought processes at certain times (thus keeping online the writing that I’ve outgrown and slightly embarrasses me!) but that mode of self-reflection is rather creatively limiting. I’ve therefore categorized Punderings according to 1) what is pretty definitively linear (quarterly-ish updates about my academics and career), and 2) what is pretty definitively nonlinear (more literary content on queerness, identity, and art).

Identity is an act of creation (which is why I love studying it!). It’s a confusing and contradictory thing, and that’s okay. Punderings will certainly change and grow as I change and grow!